Botanically known as Passiflora Incarnata, this uniquely beautiful flower blooms on the vines of our Passionfruit plants.
Passionflower is native to America, however is cultivated worldwide for its incredible medicinal benefits, particularly known as a nervine tonic and sedative. It promotes a balanced mind, encourages restful sleep and assists in anxiety, stress and insomnia.
If any of the above resonate with you or you just need to unwind and sleep better at night, we have just the product for you. Our new Heart Space Mist contains Passionflower and is coming oh so soon! Spray it on yourself as required to ease the mind and relieve the stressors from your day, spray it on your pillow at night to encourage a deep sleep. All you mamas out there- this one will be particularly helpful when the kids are a bit of a hand full (for them and yourself!).
Email us at to be the first to know when the Heart Space Mist arrives.